CBD for Skincare

Also known as Cannabidiol, CBD not only can be taken without risk but also guarantees numerous benefits from the point of view of well-being.

The CBD is a derivative of cannabis which in Italy can be consumed legally. In our country, as well as in other EU states, the cultivation, and processing of plants that do not exceed a concentration of 0.2% are allowed.

Body care

Through CBD it is possible to dedicate yourself to the care of your body and obtain numerous benefits, for example from the point of view of skin health. CBD, just like THC, is a natural ingredient that comes from cannabis. The similarities between these two active ingredients, however, end here: in fact, while THC is able to cause situations of euphoria and high, none of this can occur with CBD, which instead deserves to be used for topical treatments of the beauty routine. According to a WHO report, Cannabidiol can be taken without running any risk; consequently, only the advantages can be appreciated.

From hemp to CBD

Hemp is very ancient cultivation, perhaps even one of the first in the history of humanity: there is evidence, in fact, that demonstrates its presence in China as early as 4,000 BC. CBD has been shown to be able to promote a restoration of balance in the human body: depending on the products that are used and how they are used, it is possible to counteract the sensation of pain, reduce inflammation, find better sleep, hydrate and nourish the skin or even fight anxiety states. European crops, as mentioned, are characterized by a THC content that does not exceed 0.2%: an important guarantee even for those approaching consumption for the first time.

The history of cannabis

Over the centuries, cannabis plants have been used all over the world, from the Middle East to Europe, passing through Russia: they have been referred to, for example, as a medicine in order to relieve pains and cramps in the joints, or as raw material in the textile sector, for the production of fabrics, court, canvas or even paper. It must be said, however, that in the recent past the scenario has changed, at least in part: the research of CBD, as well as its new applications, has had to deal with an abrupt stop due to the legal restrictions that have been applied on THC. And psychoactive cannabis. Fortunately, it is now clear that THC and CBD must be differentiated from a legal point of view: so consumers have the possibility to access safe products that do not have negative repercussions on health.

The benefits offered by Cannabidiol

The prevention and treatment of psoriasis, but also the relief of irritation, are just some of the many benefits that are offered by CBD-based creams. Sometimes they can be combined with elements with moisturizing characteristics such as Shea butter, coconut oil or beeswax, so as to ensure even more intense natural relief. These ointments are also used for the treatment and prevention of acne and to alleviate muscle pain. From a skincare point of view, CBD products keep the skin hydrated and help prevent damage caused by atmospheric agents.

Benefits for the skin

The skin of those who use products with CBD, therefore, is destined to remain healthy and beautiful due to the numerous advantages of this active ingredient. The anti-inflammatory properties of the substance can obviously be combined with those of other ingredients: for example, colloidal oat flour, which is present in numerous formulations due to its ability to generate a protective layer on the skin capable of trapping moisture and ensuring that the surface can be protected from external agents. In case you opt for ointments with ingredients that have intensive moisturizing properties moreover, they stimulate the healing mechanisms that are put in place by the skin that has been damaged and promote natural defenses. Finally, CBD-based creams can be integrated with botanical extracts that have a soothing effect on the skin, useful in case of irritation, peeling, and redness: all consequences of psoriasis, acne, and other similar inflammatory disorders.

The emollient products based on Cannabidiol

On the market, you can also find emollient balms, always with CBD content. In these cases, the advantages offered by normal hemp seed oil, such as the presence of fatty acids and omega 3, are combined with those deriving from ingredients that are often part of beauty routines, such as cocoa butter, Shea, and coconut oil. This results in natural remedies that help moisturize the skin, especially when it is very sensitive, and at the same time offer effective relief from inflammation and irritation.


Psoriasis and acne are skin conditions that are caused by toxins that are ingested through what you eat or that the skin absorbs directly. In the case of psoriasis, skin cells grow rapidly and then divide, causing eczema. Acne, on the other hand, is due to an excess of sebum production, and it affects not only adolescents. These are two examples of skin problems that can be solved with the help of CBD oil, for which topical application is expected. With this product, cell growth is hindered, and the skin is enabled to heal more easily. Skin health can be restored, and irritation is alleviated.