CBD effect

The standard classification identifies three types of cannabis; they are hemp, Indian hemp, and weed (Ruderalis). The most modern varieties are hybrids, a set of genes (genotype) of which are genes of these species. For the CBD to take effect these variations do matter.

Spreading a tall plant with the narrow leaves as well as elongated buds. The effect as when used is described as “high” (high) – it influences thinking and perception more, stimulates physical activity. Suitable for use during the day.


Squat bush with large, closely spaced leaves. Differs in intensive stone-effect (stone): immobilizes and relaxes, develops creativity. More suitable for evening use.


Wild hemp or just wild. There is a small plant with rare small leaves. This practice does not have the THC, but it may also open the psychoactive potential.

Two different varieties of the same species can also be very different. Hemp contains more than 400 chemical compounds that, when used, have a different effect. At least 113 of them are cannabinoids, and about 200 are terpenes. Each variety has an individual set of these compounds with varying degrees of concentration.

Variety selection

To choose the right grade for you, let’s analyze the main characteristics of each.

First, find out the name of the company producing the seeds from which cannabis was grown. Such companies are called “seed banks” (seed bank): they provide the most reliable information about the product. Varieties with the same name can be produced by different seed banks and differ from each other so that the manufacturer can play a crucial role in the selection. Do not trust the sellers of staff, who do not indicate these details.

After that, go to their official website, the site of the seed shop, or use information from public databases.


Perhaps the primary criterion when choosing. As a rule, the genotype is characterized by the percentage of the indicia and Sativa genes (sometimes Ruderalis) or the type of the dominant genes.

This depends on the balance between high and stone effects when used. Most often it corresponds to percentages. Ruderalis genes are not necessary when used.

THC content

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the only psychoactive cannabinoid contained in cannabis. The level of its content determines the intensity of the effect when used.

CBD content

Cannabidiol is the second most abused cannabinoid that is widely used in medicine. Marihuana with a high content of CBD has a pronounced soothing effect and can be used as a potent painkiller.

Be careful. Some varieties may have an atypical or particularly intense effect, cause depersonalization, auditory and visual hallucinations. Most often this is characteristic of types with a high content of THC (more than 20%), but manufacturers usually note such features in the description. For the CBD to take effect you will need to know about these matters.

Popular varieties

Do not rush to wool the entire Internet in search of a suitable variety for you. You might find it among the bestsellers. In the end, millions of grass holes cannot be mistaken. We have chosen for you the most excellent and favorite (according to Leafly) Indica, Sativa, and hybrids that can be found on the Russian market.

Northern lights

Indica, which has become a classic. Depending on the Sandbank, it may contain from 16 to 24% of THC. Nails to the sofa increases the appetite. Stone, what it should be.

Sour diesel

Pretty dominant Sativa comes from America. It contains 17% THC. The effect is sharp, euphoric, promotes vigorous activity, and gently relaxes towards the end of the action.

Girl Scout Cookies

Hybrid variety with a THC content of more than 20%. The effect combines Sativa’s fun and pleasant turkey relaxation. On the decline can cause drowsiness.

Types of staff based on THC


It is worth noting that the plant itself is called cannabis, and its psychoactive parts are usually called marijuana. Most often, this word means inflorescences (slang names – cones, bosch, heads, etc.). In them, the concentration of THC reaches maximum values. They are suitable for use immediately after drying.


Other plant parts contain much less THC. In the stems, it is almost absent, but the leaves can be used to make a plan. This kind of stuff works well as a basis for joints. The leaves are of two types: sugar and fan. The fan grows separately on the stems. Sugar is located near the inflorescences and covered with sticky resin. They are also used to make hashish.

Many people call the plan cones. This is wrong because the plan is crushed cannabis leaves.


A little work on vegetable raw materials, you can get hashish. In simple words, marijuana is cannabis resin. Manual processing and extraction are used for the production of different types of hashish. The most straightforward technology has been used for centuries in India: sticky resin collected from inflorescences is pressed or manually rolled into a ball. It is also often mixed with crushed parts of plants. Such hashish can be found under the name matsanka, and in the historical homeland, India, it is called charas.

Another method of manual processing is sifting dried plants through a net or cloth. The size of the cells is chosen in such a way that through them only trichomes can crumble – drop-shaped outgrowths covering inflorescences and some leaves. This stuff is known as kef or pollen, and it has a higher content of THC than in inflorescences.

Solvents are used to extract hashish. Most often – alcohol, acetone, and ice water. The technology is simple: the crushed raw material is filled with a solvent that separates the resin. After which the entire plant mass can be thrown out, and the solution should be evaporated. In the case of ice water, individual bags for ice extraction are used, in which cannabis, filled with water, is ground together with ice.

Be careful; many dealers sell poor-quality hashish containing not entirely evaporated acetone. Such staff may be harmful to health while smoking it will blister and melt, and good marijuana should smolder evenly.


Many argue that the extracts of the future. They are widely used in the manufacture of medicinal products based on cannabinoids, as well as in cooking and for use in the pure form.

Some of them can be prepared at home with the help of available tools, but to obtain a high-quality extract will require special equipment and skills.


This word is often used by rural residents in the southern regions of Russia. For the preparation of manage, you can use wild hemp, and the technology does not require strict compliance. Hemp is harvested with stems, leaves, buds, and seeds, and then boiled in milk for several hours. Usually, craftsmen recommend choosing milk with a high percentage of fat and cooking manage for at least 3 hours. The ratio of raw materials to liquids also depends on the “cook” and has no definite limits.

When using managi and other products with THC, the effect occurs in 30–90 minutes, so you should start with small dosages to avoid unpleasant consequences.


The closest relative of the managi is cannabis porridge, which is hot or kuzmich, most often made from dick. In the process of cooking, leaves and buds are fried in a frying pan, often with added sugar, until the consistency of the porridge is achieved.

May cause hallucinations and dissociation. Use carefully in small quantities.


Baking psychoactive dishes with THC most often requires canna-oil. It can be cooked in both vegetable and butter, by digesting the leaves and inflorescences. If you used butter, add a little water to it, and after a few hours of boiling, squeeze the raw material back into the pan through cheesecloth, rinsing with water. Then throw out. To separate the oil from the water, the mixture freezes: the oil hardens, and the water can be quickly drained.

When eating food with THC, remember about the long entrance and long-lasting effect (from 8 to 14 hours)

Before cooking, cannabis oil is often heat treated. This process is called decarboxylation, during which some non-psychoactive cannabinoids are converted to THC. When smoking, this process occurs directly during smoldering.

Butane Extract

It can very often be found for the names of honey. For its preparation, the crushed raw material is saturated with liquefied butane, after which the gas is evaporated, and the pure extract is obtained at the outlet.

Do not perform extraction at home. Any source of spark or flame can trigger gas ignition. Electrical heaters are not suitable for this method.


An unknown type of extract on the territory of Russia, which does not even have a Russian name. For its preparation, you will need a hot press and baking paper. Cannabis is placed between sheets of paper and compressed by the device for a few seconds. To minimize losses, such processing is performed 2–3 times, after which the raw materials can be thrown out.

As a less effective analog suitable ordinary hair straightener. If you did everything correctly, a resinous amber stain would remain on the paper. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure.

Pure Extracts

The production technology of pure extracts of THC and other cannabinoids can be different, but they can only be obtained under laboratory conditions using expensive equipment and chemical analysis of the final product.

Ways of use

Joint is a roll-up made from tissue paper, usually without a filter. Consist of a mixture of cones with a plan or tobacco.

Blunt – the same roll-up, but in a tobacco leaf.

Pipes can be made of a wide variety of materials: glass, wood, metal, etc. There are practically no fundamental differences, but the quality of smoking may differ.

Bongs are made mainly of acrylic or glass. There are models of clay.

Acrylic bongs are quickly polluted, difficult to clean and to lag in quality. Clay devices are much better, but glass bongs provide the best cooling quality, and this is the primary function of bongs. Thanks to good cooling and filtration through water, smoke is more natural to inhale, and the products of combustion that cause coughing and nausea remain in the water.


To improve the quality of the glass bong, there are many mutually compatible modifications.

If you do not have a bong, a pipe, and even an empty cigarette without a filter, you can make a harsh smoking device out of improvised means. To do this, use a variety of glass, plastic and metal packaging, all kinds of pipes, nuts and the central element – the foil, but you can replace it with something more simple. The quality of the device will depend on the materials available to you (and your hands).